Free peace-of-mind for unpaid carers.
A carer is someone who looks after a family member, partner or friend who otherwise couldn’t manage without their help because of illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction. The care that carers give is unpaid.
Many carers worry about what would happen to the person they care for if they were to have an accident themselves or were suddenly taken ill and as a result, were temporarily unable to carry out their caring role
The Carers Leeds Emergency Card is free of charge and is designed to be kept with you at all times, for example in a purse, bag, wallet, phone case or on a key ring. In an emergency you can show someone the card so that they will know that someone else relies on you. The card will include contact details of someone that you have spoken to and who has agreed to step in and take over caring for the person you care for. This will usually be family or friends.
What is a crisis or emergency?
A crisis or emergency is something that could not be planned for, which means you cannot carry out your caring role.
Please do not put Carers Leeds contact details on the card and please do not contact Carers Leeds in the event of an emergency.
You can have a Carers Leeds Emergency Card even if you:
- Don’t live with the person you care for
- Are not the only person providing care for someone
- Are caring for more than one person
- Are not related to the person you care for
You can request a Carers Leeds Emergency Card by using the form on this page (scroll down the page to find the form)
Note: Should you have any difficulties please ring a member of administration team on 0113 246 8338 between 10am and 4pm Tuesday to Thursday.