‘Caring Together’

Last month I gave an update on how we were managing given the lockdown so I thought I would offer the same this month. In this time Caring Together has made well over 1000 calls, texts, sent letters and emails to members, friends, family, volunteers and other organisations. We have also posted  many website and facebook posts since the lockdown. All to ensure we continue to remain connected, emotionally supported and share information to keep well.
We also continue to be out and about delivering essential food items. We have been working together with local supermarkets, grocery stores and local shops to enable us access at less busy times that has made it safer to which we are grateful.
We have referred a large number of members for emergency food supplies and medication deliveries. And we have set up members with food parcels from the local area, frozen meals and meals on wheels deliveries. We have also connected members to local shops so they can continue to remain independent as much as they can. We have also been working together with Gateway Church at St Marks where they will bring together breakfast, lunch and a home cooked dinner to some of our members and local residents 3 days a week. It commences this week so we will update you further on this later.
In addition we have been on hand to offer digital support to enable members to keep connected to family and friends, this includes setting up emails for members, devices and help with picture taking and accessing zoom. We have also supported members with getting set up with online shopping, with telephone ordering and talking with some about online banking. This has included being safe online too. We will continue to offer this support whilst needed and with support of 100% digital we will be looking at additional support with equipment where appropriate.
Furthermore, our work involves linking in with many services in the city as well as in the locality. Such as our police community support officers who have kindly agreed to provide local updates. They have also undertaken fortnightly face to face checks for some of our members, at a safe distance. We too are visiting some of our members whilst delivering food nearby to check in to see if ok – again from a distance.
A good deal of our work is supported by volunteers and we are pleased to say this continues in the lockdown, with others coming onboard and helping where they can. As I know lots of others in the community are too which is lovely to hear. Our volunteers help with the allotment, and recently shared some herbs. And some make things at home. Other volunteers have shifted their befriending from in person to over the phone, and some volunteers have taken this up for the first time moving from other volunteering and different roles in the community to help where they can. And some have just naturally been calling each other and linking via facebook as well, with a few volunteers even writing to members too. We are truly grateful by your kindness, as our members.
We have had others writing and sharing weekly stories/blogs, sharing their food to stock up our food supply (for members) and another has been making jam. There is still some left if anyone would like some. Seagulls donated some paint for one member shielding too. A number of others have been flexing their IT skills to capture some wonderful images – please keep them coming – open to all. There have also been others passing on things they feel might be of interest, that includes their artistic and creative endeavours as well, the list goes on.
In addition to the new weekly ‘Monday Mind Workout’, weekly ‘Lockdown musings/stories’, weekly ‘Safety messages’, and weekly ‘Digital imagery sharing’, we have also set up a new weekly online ‘Elevenses’ group that anyone can join. It is on a Thursday at 11am where we come together online for a catch up in person (virtually). Our new ‘Poetry Corner’ is due to commence tomorrow where I will share various poems each week. If you wish to send any through then please email me – open to all ages. I will also be hosting a new ‘Film Sharing session’ in the coming weeks and will send a link nearer the time.
It has been a very unusual few months; with sad times yet also moments of joy that we are all experiencing together. Yet despite this we are delighted everyone is remaining safe and well as best you can. We are delighted that you can share your time with us, and all at Caring Together. I do feel our name is very apt at this time as we continue to support one another in the community along with other organisations, churches, NHS and adult social care services, shops, residents and local housing and police. Our gracious thanks to you all. Keep well and speak soon.