Get Set Leeds – Have your say!


Get Set Leeds! Are you ready to make Leeds more active?

Caring Together joined in the City Wide discussion last week with our members, volunteers and staff members having their say with ‘Get Set Leeds’. Some of the team visited three of our regular Let’s Get Active Approved Exercise groups where our members fed back on what being active means to them, and what helps them get moving, and what would help further.

Accessible and reliable transport came on top for most. And although we don’t have our own vehicle, thanks to secured funding, Caring Together are able to hire a minibus to offer this to our members where needed. This is door to door with support too.

We also talked about moving more and as I am sure most already know that is not always about being at the gym. It’s walking in a park, house work, playing a game with friends, the kids, or grand-children, gardening, or dancing to a song you love. As they noted:

“it’s what you might be doing as part of your day anyway, but by doing it more often or more vigorously you could make a real difference to how well and happy you feel”

Their vision is to “get everybody moving more and for Leeds to be the most active city, we need to think differently and change what we do, together”.

We are delighted to say our members definitely make the most of what is on offer at Caring Together with well attended exercise sessions each week. We also have Yoga, Walking, an Allotment, regular outings and so on. And they also access other activities in and around Leeds too, so to have more would be a delight, as would better transport links so they can get to them.

Thanks to our members for getting involved and having a say. If you wish to add anything further, or find out more yourself then go to

Or if you wish to find out more about our activities then please do get in touch.

Many thanks Lisa Argyle

Community Resilience Worker@Caring Together