“Councillors will see the results of this consultation before they make a final decision on the budget in February 2021. Your views will help to make sure the final decision is in the best interests of the city and its residents. To help you consider your responses we will provide a summary of the key points from our proposed budget throughout the survey. If you’d prefer to look at the Proposed Budget in full, you can read this in our 16th December Executive Board Agenda here at Item 6.Like many councils across the UK, Leeds faces significant challenges with next year’s budget. This is due to the impact of COVID-19 and reduced funding from central government.
By law we have to address the £119 million gap we have estimated in the budget for the next financial year (2021 to 2022), so we have developed a series of savings proposals that our Executive Board has been considering at its monthly meetings since September 2020.
We must look again at how Leeds City Council delivers services to residents, and we want these decisions to be informed by your views and opinions.
We also want to hear how you’re coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, to better understand the concerns of Leeds residents and the people who work in and visit the city.
The survey should take you 10-15 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking part. Your views are very important to us and by participating you’ll help shape Leeds services in the future. Please complete the survey before 13 January 2021.”