Dear all, below are the answers for yesterday’s Monday Mind Workout that was themed around the New Year.
1.The first ball to be dropped in New York’s Times Square happened in what year?
a. 1908
2.The first time that January 1st was celebrated as the beginning of a new year was in 153 B.C. when the Romans moved the first month of their calendar back to January. For what reason did the Romans do this?
a. To coincide with elections of the two highest ranking Republic positions.
3.In 567 A.D., the Council of Tours prohibited the recognition of an official New Year. Why did they do this?
b. They disliked that the date was originated with pagans.
4.What famous Frank was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, on January 1, 1938?
b. Actor Frank Langella
5.In 1583, what event returned January 1st as the observation of the New Year in Europe?
c. The institution of the Gregorian Calendar.
6.The lyrics of the now-traditional New Years song “Auld Lang Syne” began as a poem set to the tune of a much older Scot folk ballad. Who wrote the poem?
b. Robert Burns
7. On January 1, 1877, what happened to Queen Victoria of Britain?
c. She got stuck in her throne, requiring three hours of manpower and twenty pounds of butter to get her out.
8.On January 1, 1906, the government of the Netherlands
made what law?
a. Mandatory licenses required for driving engine-powered vehicles.