If you have an interest in transport in the region both how it’s working during the current covid crisis and the future plans you can attend this Café Economique talk on Zoom to hear more and have an opportunity to ask questions
Liz Hunter is currently the Head of Transport Policy at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Councillor Kim Groves has been Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transport Committee since June 2018 working to improve public transport in West Yorkshire.
Be it tackling the climate emergency, enabling inclusive growth or boasting productivity – transport has a role to play. Our speakers, Liz Hunter and Kim Groves, will talk about the very immediate transport challenges during the Covid19 pandemic and the investments which are already being worked on as well as looking to the future of transport for the region from the major schemes such as High Speed Two and Northern Powerhouse Rail to the regional and local connectivity needs.
This talk is organized by Café Économique, as part of a monthly series of talks and debates on current social, economic and environmental topics. There will be opportunities for questions after each talk.
Due to Covid 19, the talk will be online using zoom. Anyone wishing to join the talk needs to join the Café Economique members’ list by emailing a request to: cafeeconomiqueleeds2019@gmail.com.
A zoom link and password will be sent to the email list close to the date of the talk.