Update on Leeds infection rate from Leeds City Council

As it stands, the latest figures for the 7 day infection rate is 439 per 100,000 and the positivity rate is 16.1%.

In Leeds as a whole, cases have stabilised since the lockdown was announced two weeks ago. However, some areas have seen a rise in cases which might be due to a minority of people socialising before lockdown was announced. This is why it’s crucial we all work together, carry on following the public health advice and continue adhering to the government’s restrictions to keep ourselves and others safe, and to help bring the infection rate down.

Remember to wash your hands, wear a face covering, and stay 2m apart from people you do not live with.

If you develop symptoms or come in to contact with someone who has tested positive, you must book a test and you and your household need to self-isolate while you’re waiting on your results.

If you have symptoms, you must protect yourself and others and get tested. Ring 119 or visit the NHS website to book a test.

To find out where your local testing site is visit the NHS website.