Caring Together was set up by the community for local older residents in 1995. We care about each other, the community and all its residents including those just passing through.
Caring comments:
“I have noticed the blinds shut and he normally opens them first thing, I wonder if he is ok?”
“My daughter popped round to see if she was alright as knew she had not been well”
“I haven’t seen her for a while, I will pop up and see her this weekend”

Anyone remember this? Terrace houses of North West View, Woodhouse Street, with Holborn Towers in the background (picture from
We are proud of its humble beginnings, and trilled it continues to be such an amazing life line for some many today. It is a team effort from everyone. We thank you for your continued support this year, and in the past and look forward to linking back up with you again in 2020, and to making new friends too.
If you wish to know more then please do get in touch we would love to hear from you:
email: or tel: 0113 243 0298