“Hello all,
I actually made it down town today the first time for months….on foot..I still feel anxious about getting on a bus even though I do carry a face mask now. As you can see (below picture), I made it as far as the canal behind the station. The swans have eight signets. You can just make out another little head poking out from behind the far swan, very cute.
I had the daunting prospect of getting home again.and getting hungry. I was tempted to get a bus but crawled all the way home…I’m out of condition. I said hello to my neighbours who are from Sudan as I passed, they were in their yard having a barbecue. I got in and sat down….phew…..what can I have to eat, then a knock on the door, they’d brought me some food round ..chicken and barbecued pork.!. Good job I’m a lapsed vegetarian..how do you say thank you in Arabic?…I won’t need any tea now…Ben”
Thank you Ben for sharing this with us. Until next time…..