With that in mind, we are sharing a summary of carers rights which has been developed by Mobilise – Carers Rights and the Law | Find out what rights you’re entitled to (mobiliseonline.co.uk). Ian Brooke-Mawson, Commissioning Programme Lead (Carers) kindly shared these details with the Older Peoples Commissioning Team at Leeds City Council (who shared it with us) and when doing so stated that the Mobilise website is a rich source of information and support for unpaid carers and as such is worth sharing.
Caring Together have our own Carers Support Group In partnership with Carers Leeds
Venue: Caring Together, 127 Woodhouse Street, Leeds LS6 2PY
(opposite the post office/Londis shop)
Time: 11am – 12.30pm
Last Thursday of each month:
Next Group
Thursday 27th January 2022 and so on
Pop in, or call if you need any more information
Lisa 07436 530073 or email: lisa@caringtogether.org.uk