Today is #WorldDiabetesDay and the local NHS is urging residents to be more aware of the condition, learn how they can prevent or manage it and access support if they need it.

In Leeds, out of a population of around 800,000 people, approximately 44,000 people have diabetes, and a further 36,000 are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. People are more at risk if they’re white and over 40 or over 25 if they have African-Caribbean, Black African, or South Asian heritage.
This year, it’s especially important to be aware of the risk of T2 diabetes and to manage the condition well, because people with diabetes of any kind are more likely to catch coronavirus. While most people will have mild symptoms, people with diabetes can become seriously unwell, as their bodies have to fight with the virus as well as problems caused by fluctuating blood sugar levels.
For more information about the condition, how to prevent or manage it and where to find support if you need it visit: NHS Leeds Diabetes support or
You can check your risk of developing T2 diabetes here: