Day 77 – Rain at last! After a few glorious days and being able to get ‘all dolled up’ in Summer clothing – to visit the supermarket – today is a day for staying at home. To watch the long awaited rain, catch up on household tasks (what are they?) maybe with a catch up of recorded TV progs playing in the background. Find photos to accompany my Lockdown blogs ready for the book. Ironing perchance? Mmm, we’ll see. E-mails to reply to, phone calls to make, the next batch of ‘Memories’ to write, a story for a magazine, prep. my next piece for the Museums & Galleries – the days are not long enough for all that is to be done. Thank goodness I’ve not got into bread-making, it took long enough to download ‘Zoom’ properly.
I promised myself I would read more; many books were started but remain unfinished. They remind me of being halfway through knitting a garment before the novelty wore off and I would start another. In 1984 I started knitting a jumper in a cosy white wool with an occasional cerise and grey fleck. I loved the feel of it until, in pregnancy, I couldn’t bear to touch it and it made me feel ill! The jumper was packed away whilst I knitted babywear with no problem. I never returned to the unfinished jumper but I loved to knit all manner of knitwear for my young son. The one disaster though was a ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ jumper. I didn’t quite master the art of all those different colours being successfully brought to life and Thomas’s face did not smile but was cross-eyed and looked in excruciating pain. I was too embarrassed to photograph it but Darren wore it with pride. Maybe during Lockdown I could return to knitting? Perhaps not. I have more than enough to occupy my time, in particular this very day……unless I get a better offer.
We are pleased you were able to fit an article in for us too Maureen, thank you, until next time…..