Caring Together AGM 2019-2020

We have just had our AGM, which covers April 2019 to March 2020. We normally would have met together to celebrate our year and look ahead to the next. And we would have also had lunch afterwards however this did not deter us. Some of us still got together and we even delivered some sandwich packs to their doors.
Thank you to everyone who joined us, your uplifting and inspiring words were welcome. A big thanks also goes to all those who support our work, past and present. To members, volunteers, neighbours, friends, family, the community and partners thank you for the last 25 years.
Attached is a copy of our AGM and a video which I brought together for the AGM, it offers a reflective look back and bit of where we are now.  What an interesting year, lots of challenges, yet also some fun times too, and tonnes of partnership working and ‘Caring Together’, which we hope to continue building on. We were also presented with three awards for our services in the community, we are so proud and humble to get this, what a wonderful community. Kindest regards, Lisa Argyle