Welcome news

HealthAmaze and People's Health Trust Logo (1)Caring Together is delighted to announce success in our application to the Peoples Health Trust for Funding for our ‘Neighbours at the WALL (Woodhouse and Little London)’ project, This will enable activities for older people in Woodhouse and Little London to be secured and expanded for the next two years. Many thanks to the Peoples Health Trust for this funding from all of the staff, trustees, volunteers and members of Caring together.

People’s Health Trust is an independent charity addressing health inequalities across Great Britain. It works closely with each of the 51 society lotteries and makes grants using money raised by the society lotteries through The Health Lottery.

Visit by Cath Roff – Director Leeds Adult Social Care

SAM_2447 Caring Together were pleased to welcome Cath Roff to our offices today to discuss the work of Caring Together and our plans for the future. Issues discussed included the social and support needs of older people in the local area and the assets within Woodhouse and Little London that can be used and accessed by older people. We discussed issues relating to community development and of building networks and resilience to further develop our plans to improve the lives and opportunities for older people. Pictured are Cath Roff with John O’Dwyer and Valerie McGregor of Caring Together.

Winter Friends


Caring Together recently took delivery of Winter Warmth Packs from Public Health to distribute among older people in Woodhouse and Little London. The packs include hot water bottles, warm hats, scarves and gloves, flasks, soups and porridge among other things. Caring Together has started distributing these packs since coming back from the Christmas break. Pictured is Lesley our Activities Coordinator with a selection of items from the packs. Many thanks to Public Health for this.