Caring Together volunteers preparing the newsletters for distribution around Woodhouse and Little London. There are many opportunities for volunteering within Caring Together. If you would like further information phone Lisa on 0113 2430298.

Caring Together volunteers preparing the newsletters for distribution around Woodhouse and Little London. There are many opportunities for volunteering within Caring Together. If you would like further information phone Lisa on 0113 2430298.
Caring Together were delighted to welcome Sam Pemberton, our local PCSO to our Drop-in last week. She talked with those attending and also handed out useful items that safeguarded against low level theft and street crime. Many thanks to her for this. The drop-in takes place every Thursday at Little London Community Centre and as the pictures show offer a variety of board games plus refreshments in an informal setting. If you, or anyone that you know, may be interested in attending, please speak with John on 0113 2430298
The sky opened again on Saturday just as it did last year but this did not deter our hardy group of strollers taking part in our annual fundraisingÂ
sponsored walk . Many thanks to Delph View for offering us their venue for the start and the end of the walk and to their staff and residents for providing hot dogs, cake, refreshments and a raffle. A big thanks also to Angie who was our acting first aider, the two local PCSOs who helped out on the day and all other volunteers who provided support.