Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London is a locally based charity caring for the needs of the older people living in the inner city areas of Leeds.
All new referrals have a full needs assessment which is carried out by the paid workers – and following that, all appropriate services are put into place. We value the generosity of volunteers who give of their time to help us to provide a wide range of services to the older people who are referred to us.
Among the services volunteers can help with are:-
- befriending (friendly visiting)
- outings
- fund raising and administration
- social & educational group activities
- social events
We do ask for a regular commitment from our volunteers but we also need people who we can call on occasionally to help, especially with social events.
The best gift you can give is time.
Someone said it helps to pass the days
and so I thought, give it a go and became a volunteer.
I’m glad I did, the time flies by and fun is had by all,
whether it’s helping in school, serving tea or manning a jumble stall,
you make new friends and learn new skills
and all it costs is