Litter Free Leeds

Leeds Goes Purple


Friday 10th June – Sunday 12th June

Have you seen those purple bin bags dotted around your area?

If you didn’t know, they’re being filled up by local people who are doing litter picks in your area as part of Litter Free Leeds.

We all know litter is an eyesore and can be a danger to wildlife and pets. Each year 60,000 bags of litter are collected in Leeds by people ranging from individuals, families doing a quick pick as part of a day out or dog walk, to organised groups and even businesses wanting to do something to make a difference in their area.

Litter Free Leeds is organising a ‘Leeds Goes Purple’ weekend starting today and running until Sunday 12th June to celebrate the contributions being made across the city and to spread the news to anyone who wants to join in and do their bit in and around their local communities.

If you want to join in, contact your local group – Woodhouse Womblers – to get your purple bags.