December is here and Mindwell have launched the #WinterWellbeing campaign . It’s been a challenging year & now the nights are getting darker & temperatures dropping, it’s even more important to take care of your mental wellbeing.
For lots of information, including the top ten tips listed below, Mindwell Christmas Toolkit and where to find additional support if you need it visit
MindWell’s Top Ten Tips for Winter Wellbeing
TIp 1: Keep to a daily routine – this can help us cope better with uncertainty and help us keep going, especially while having to stay at home more. We usually feel better if we’re up and dressed, eating at regular mealtimes and going to bed at the same time.
Tip 2: Stay connected – a friendly natter by phone, online or at a safe distance (if we can) helps us keep connected. Ringing a helpline if we’re lonely can help us feel better too. There’s always someone to talk to. It might be useful to keep a few phone numbers handy, to remind us to stay in touch.
Tip 3: Do things you enjoy – we’ve had to live with new restrictions this year, but it’s still important to take time to enjoy ourselves each day. Whether it’s reading, watching a box set under a blanket, making handmade gifts or festive baking. It can also be fun to try something new, get creative or dust off an old hobby.
Tip 4: Get outside for some sunlight and exercise – try to get outside, according to government restrictions, for at least 20 minutes of exercise each day. Walk in a green space if you can, such as one of Leeds’ many parks. This can help you feel refreshed and more energised, especially if you’re working from home. If it’s difficult for you to get out, open a window and let some fresh air in.
Tip 5: Look after your physical health:
- Keep warm – Public Health England recommends that indoor temperatures should be between 18and 21 degrees.Eat well – eat regular nourishing, hot meals including plenty of vegetable
- Stay hydrated – drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day and have regular hot drinks.
- Sleep well – if you’re struggling to get a good night ‘s sleep, check out MindWell’s self-help guide.
- Keep active – it’s important to keep moving, when we’re staying at home more. Walk the stairs or try an online exercise or yoga video.
- Get a flu jab if you’re contacted – flu can be more severe in certain groups of people. If you’re in one of these groups you will be contacted to get a free flu jab.
- Stop smoking – find help to stop in Leeds.
If you’re struggling with fuel bills, contact Home Plus Leeds for advice (there are eligibility criteria), or, for a review of benefits entitlements contact Welfare Rights Advice on 0113 376 0452 or email: You can find more details of servics in Leeds offering support around finances or benefits on our practical help page.
Tip 6: Make a plan – Christmas and other faith festivals are likely to be different this year and there’ill be less opportunity for face-to-face socialising. It can help to make a plan for days of festive celebration that are special to you. And if you don’t want to celebrate that’s OK too. MindWell has information about community events happening in Leeds this festive season.
Tip 7: Relax and unwind – 2020 has been a difficult year, with many people feeling anxious about their health, job security or money worries. Take some time each day to relax. Find what works for you, whether that’s relaxation breathing, caring for your plants, going for a run, or getting up and moving to your favourite festive tunes.
Tip 8: Drink sensibly – taking a mindful approach to what you’re drinking can have huge benefis for your physical and emotional health. Try Public Health England’s Drink Free Days app, which can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Tip 9: Write it down – keeping a journal can be a great way to explore and organise your thoughts. It can help you plan your day, express gratitude and understand your worries and feelings. Winter is also a good time to think about your future goals and prepare for the new year.
Tip 10: Ask for help – if you’re struggling, it’s OK to ask for help if you need to, there’s always someone to talk to: