A Reflective look back over 2020

Dear all,

A reflective look back over 2020

We know this year has been difficult for a lot of people, but we hope you managed to find some joy over the holiday season.

Although it has been unusual we are proud to be part of the collective effort of the community as a whole in the last 12 months. This is for us all in whatever way.

The video below (click on image below to play and select sound) is a reflective look back in pictures over 2020. It is our humble thanks and recognition of an amazing community. This includes all those in the background that are not on the images and not as visible. This being befriending volunteers who quickly adapted from face to face contact in March to telephone befriending. And to those coming back to befriending and those new to it as well who took up making vital calls to our members existing and new. And continue to do so. We salute you!

Our thanks also goes to those who got involved in other ways, such as on the allotment, sharing rhubarb, herbs, with writing and sharing memories, skills, poems, quizzes and sharing photographs. Calling on neighbours, friends, and setting up groups. Our thanks also go to those who helped in the groups, with outings and other parts of Caring Together before the lockdown too. And to students from University of Leeds for sharing their musical skills and talent prior to and for our recent festive get together. @luumusicimpactinthecommunity

A huge thanks also goes to those making cards, donating food, toiletries and face masks for all to share. Helping with bringing our newsletters together and delivering them in the community. For donating stamps for those we post. For helping with getting essentials food items and to the local shop owners for opening their shops early enabling us to collect shopping for members safely. And to local churches for emergency food parcels and weekly hot meals. Thanks to PCSO Sam for making welfare checks to some members as well. A team effort for sure.

Furthermore our gracious thanks to everyone for not just practical help but also for financial support too. Your contributions are most welcome and enable our work to continue in the community. Thank you for your full money boxes, taking part in the prize draw, to one off donations, to regular ones and to the financial help and wonderful support of Leeds City Council, Leeds Lord Mayor, Local Councillors, Health, Housing, Leeds Older People Forum @lopforum, our members, community and many many others, we truly appreciate this.

And finally our thanks go to our management committee for being our constant amongst the strangest of years, even at a time of loss for uplifting and offering support to us all throughout the year. We are grateful to each and everyone of you.

What a year! And may 2021 be kinder to us all. We look forward to getting back together again soon, and hopefully being able to celebrate our 25 year milestone. And maybe see you in our new premises once it is finished and safe to do so as well – we shall keep you posted on this!

Keep safe, Caring Together

Click on the link below and press play – click for the volume if needed too.


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