Levis Solicitors LLP – a local solicitors firm, have offered some free advice sessions for Caring Together members.
The next legal clinic is this Thursday – 2nd May
They will be at the Caring Together offices in Woodhouse Community Centre on the first Thursday afternoon of each month and will be offering up to half an hour advice on legal matters.
If you decide, after the initial advice, that you wish to ask them to do further work on your behalf then this will be chargeable and they will discuss fees with you beforehand.
There is no obligation on your behalf to employ them to do any further work.
Andrew, from Levis Solicitors will be visiting Caring Together on
Thursday 2nd May
Thursday 6th June
(It may continue after these dates)
You need to make an appointment to come and talk to Andrew and you can do this by calling Caring Together on 0113 2430298