A message from the leader of Leeds City Council, Councillor James Lewis
Dear Resident
This month we marked the anniversary of the first Covid vaccination in the world and the start of the biggest vaccination programme in NHS history. Since then, over 1.3 million vaccinations have been delivered in Leeds, which is an incredible achievement. My thanks go to all frontline workers, volunteers, and residents for your ongoing efforts in fighting this virus.
Unfortunately, recent news has focused on the new Omicron variant of Covid, and the anticipated rapid rise in infections. Covid will continue to be a feature of our lives for some time to come so we need to continue to manage the risk to ourselves and others. Although the current position is not the one we were hoping for, particularly at this time of year, we will get through this if we keep working together as a city.
The best thing we can all do is get vaccinated and have your booster when invited. This is the most effective way of protecting yourself, your family and your friends. Please continue to follow the guidance to keep yourself and others safe. Get tested, and self-isolate if you are required to. Make sure you wear your mask and if you’re indoors try to keep the room well ventilated.
I never fail to be impressed by how the people and organisations of Leeds come together to support one another through these challenging times. With the holiday period coming up I do hope you all get the opportunity to connect with family and friends and to celebrate Christmas safely. For those who will be working and keeping vital services across the city running, I extend my thanks.
I would like to wish you all a very safe, happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. The New Year brings in new opportunities, and we have much to look forward to, so let us all look forward to a better 2022.
Cllr James Lewis Leader Leeds City Council
Top 5 tips to keep safe and well this festive season
To help reduce the spread of the new Omicron variant and covid during the festive season, here are some top tips to keep you and your friends and family safe:
- Test before you go out – find out where to get a free LFT pack
- Get jabbed – first, second or booster – it’s never too late to start your Covid-19 vaccination course
- Don’t forget your mask!
- Grab the app – don’t forget your vaccine pass if you are attending a large venue or event
- Got friends and family visiting? Opening a window for just 10 mins an hour can help stop the spread
Stay up to date with the latest advice and guidance from the Government.

Guidance on isolating
To keep up to date with the latest advice on when to self isolate visit the Government website regularly.
We want to hear your thoughts on our budget proposals for next year
The council is currently consulting on the proposed budget for the upcoming year.
Changes to government funding, increased costs in dealing with the ongoing impacts of Covid, a loss of income, as well as increases in demand for services for some of our most vulnerable residents mean that we need to look closely at what we can do to balance our books and provide savings where possible.
We’re really interested in your views on how we spend money and set a balanced budget. We’re also keen to hear your thoughts on how we can improve the way that we deliver services, and where there might be opportunities to do things in more modern and efficient ways.
Find out more and take part in our consultation.

Have your say on our City Ambition
Our City Ambition looks at how partners across all parts of the city work together and embrace a successful Team Leeds approach, as we have demonstrated and done so well during the pandemic. The ambition focuses on tacking poverty and inequality and is underpinned by a continued commitment to strength-based approaches, harnessing a contribution from everyone, working across sectors with you the citizen at the centre of activity. Join the conversation and provide us with your thoughts on the Ambition.

Winter Warmth
Are you ready for Winter? There are some simple steps we can all take to stay well.
Be prepared. Keep warm, keep active, seek help if you’re struggling with fuel bills.
For help and advice visit: www.care-repair-leeds.org.uk or www.leeds.gov.uk/benefits/affordable-warmth