Dear all,
Day 54 – Call me old fashioned but some of today’s “speak” I do get cross about. In my book those who travel on buses or trains are passengers but at some point they became customers. A cold word, all about profits but perfectly acceptable in shops or wherever we buy. On Ocean going Liners, staterooms with full sized beds and bathrooms are occupied by “guests” although, thankfully, they are still at times referred to as passengers, which is probably at the insistence of the Merchant Navy. It always seemed so right to sleep in a bunk – in a cabin with a porthole or at best a window. Of course they are now floating hotels, or even small towns, which I suppose is why they are run by Hotel Management, rather than by homely sea-faring titles.
I can never accept the new way of business talk with its blue sky thinking and having a dialogue – I thought it was simply just talking to each other. Platforms – digital malarky and all that;: platforms are where you catch a train from, or it can be a smaller version of a stage. I’ve heard it said in meetings that “this is not the right arena”, Oh? Should we have been at the First Direct or 02? I cringe when someone rings to “touch base”. Sorry, are we playing baseball? I’ll just go get my shorts and pumps. As I listen to the radio an interviewee has just said the dreaded “going forward”. What happened to “in the future” as it always was? Gypsy Petulengro or whoever happens to be on the Pier looking into the future, wouldn’t be the same if “going forward”. It doesn’t ring true. There again one told me in Blackpool that the man in my life would go to great heights. When I returned to the Winter Gardens he was on the roof feeding video cables through – so that came true. I will move with some times but not all, so you have my permission to call me old fashioned.
Thank you once again for sharing Maureen, until next time….