Dear all,
Day 15 written and shared with you by Maureen Kershaw
‘Stocktaking and Taking Stock’
Not been out since first thing Saturday morning but a productive time and each day enjoyable. On a walk last week I had a conversation with a lady who lives little more than a stone’s throw away from me. I hasten to add that we chatted from opposite sides of the road so we were certainly social distancing. I’d kept to my plan of speaking to a stranger each time I ventured out and as we almost drew level we commented on taking our daily exercise. Apparently she has lived nearby for many a year but admitted that although very much an ‘outdoorsy’ person – she only takes that up outside Leeds, her journeys always being by car.
We chatted for a good 10 mins on how our lives have changed but we are at an age where we soon accept and adapt. We agreed how Covid-19 apart, surely many good things will come out of this. The City and indeed most of the World is so much quieter, the air must be cleaner; streets are cleaner. We have time to take in the view around us. Standing at our opposite sides we reflected how there would usually be cars parked all day, the traffic would be whizzing by and we certainly couldn’t have even heard more than a “Hello” let alone a conversation. How at Hyde Park Corner cars desperate to be the first through the traffic lights and roaring along to the next set – all were now at a steady pace. No rush. No anger at hesitant motorists at the filter light prompting much sounding of horns. Before we parted the lady said how nice it was that people are speaking to each other more but wondered how much the younger generation will learn from all this.
In taking stock of all this carry-on, stocktaking has been done. How much importance is there to have cupboards full of clothes, the latest this and that, holidays bigger and better? Not important at all. People being safe and well is the prime importance. Everything else can wait. No point in having the flashiest car or motorhome if we can’t take them anywhere. A phone, tablet or laptop which serves the purpose in connecting us with those who matter is what counts at this time. I don’t think anyone ever died through not dressing up and wearing false lashes, nails or the ‘correct’ seasonal wear. Stocktake, get rid of what’s not vital, now is a good time to do it. Plenty of time to start afresh when this uncertain time has passed. (NB: I did throw out my false lashes years ago).
Thank you Maureen, until next time!