The eligibility requirements for Warm Home Discount have changed this winter (2022-23)

This may mean some of you will become eligible and in other cases some of you may not as you had done previously.

How is the scheme different from previous years?

One of the main changes is that households who meet the eligibility criteria are now guaranteed a payment. Previously, the scheme operated on a first come, first served basis, with only a limited number of discounts.

In addition, those who qualify no longer need to make an application. The discounts are made automatically.

However, the use of a high energy score for properties means that some of you may be less likely to qualify than in the past. In addition, fuel companies will no longer have the discretion to extend the discount to other groups who don’t get one of the means-tested benefits. In the past, some energy suppliers would allow families in receipt of Disability Living Allowance to apply, even if they were not on means-tested benefits. [Information sourced from:…/new-warm-home-discount-scheme…/]

If your property has a high energy cost score. You will only qualify if the government considers your property to have high energy costs.

In looking at this issue, the government will look at three main factors: the property type: its age; and its floor area. This will be made based on information about your property held by the Valuation Office Agency.

Where there are changes you are being asked to contact the helpline but we are being informed that when trying to make contact it can take ages to get through. We have even tried ourselves and it does take some time so please do persevere as you will get through at some point. They have said the best times to call are about 4pm.

I have noted below further information that might help. And as always if you need to get in touch with us then please do.