Bank Holiday – need to knows

You will be aware that Monday 19th September has been designated a bank holiday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

If you are due to be paid your Pension or any benefits on Monday 19th, they will be paid into your bank on Friday 16th.

Many shops, including most supermarkets, and cafes/restaurants, food outlets and even some pubs will be closed – even those who usually open on bank holidays, so if you need shopping plan to do it beforehand. If you were expecting an online grocery delivery on Monday 19th it is likely to be cancelled, hopefully the supplier will have been in touch – if not it’s probably best to contact them and find out what alternative arrangements you can make.

Most GP practices will close as on a normal bank holiday but you will still be able to access health care if you need it – call 111 or use If you need a pharmacy on Monday you should be able to find out which are open on

Leeds Teaching hospitals have said they are trying to continue with planned appointments and operations as much a possible so if you have an appointment and haven’t been contacted to say it is cancelled please attend as normal.

LCC bin collections will be suspended on Monday 19th and so bins will all be collected one day later this week – including Sunday 25th September.

Finally, the queens funeral will be shown on most TV channels – coverage will be most of the day but the funeral itself is 11am. You can also watch it on the big screen at Millennium Square. This is free and will be from 10am – 6pm more details here…/live-coverage-of-the…/…