Franche Primary School student Devon Simkin-Samways spent two days writing the below poem, entitled ‘Lockdown’, in the hope of bringing joy to all who read it.
Devon’s poem reads:
“Lockdown is a scary time,
So I thought that I could write a rhyme,
To put a smile on lots of faces,
From around the world in lots of places.
“Lots of time with my family,
Fills me with enormous glee.
Home school teaching from my mum,
With my brother who’s a pain in the bum.
“Missing my bike rides and playing out,
It really makes me want to shout.
Nannies and grandads can’t see me,
But safety really is the key.
“Watching movies on Disney Plus,
Stops us making such a fuss.
Eating ice cream in the garden,
Makes us burp but we say pardon.
“Missing our friends and all our teachers,
Watching YouTube to see who features,
In the Franche videos that set us challenges.
Hope noone fails and ends up in bandages.
“One day when this will come to an end,
Hopefully we won’t have driven mum round the bend.
We will look back and cherish the thought,
Of the lessons we learnt and the ones we were taught.”
Thank you Devon for such a wonderful Poem –